Automobile enthusiasts are heading towards the LA Convention center this week for Automobility 2016!
What is Automobility? The Los Angeles Auto Show has been happening every year since 1907. It has been one of the most influential auto shows by uniting everyone who is anyone in the automobile industry. This auto show is truly an unveiling of the future of cars by major innovators and decision making leaders in the industry from over 50 different countries. In 2012, due to the huge success of this event for so many years, the show added the Advanced Tech Showcase. By 2013, it evolved into the Connected Car Expo and it's purpose was to begin addressing changes in the industry. The CCE grew significantly throughout the years. Those attending the CCE wanted to attend both the expo, as well as the LA Auto Show. So it just seemed like the next best step to merge the two shows into one big show. And, now we have Automobility!
The Automobility kick-off party was on November 14th at 5pm in the Los Angeles Convention center. This party unleashes an epic week for the automobile industry of new technology exhibits, conferences by Hyundai, BMW, Nissan, Alfa Romeo, Mercedes Benz, Acura, Porsche, Mazda, Toyota, Subaru, Honda and many many more!! Check out the schedule!
Los Angeles Auto Show

LA Auto Show kicks off on November 18th through November 27th. Thankfully this show is open to the public. It's looking pretty exciting for all types of car and truck lovers. It's gonna be an event for the whole family. Car shopping and test drives will be possible at the show. The "Garage" exhibit will be back with customized rides beyond your wildest dreams. There will be a Tesla exhibit. They will be showing off their Model X and their Model S. Galpin's Hall of Customs is going to be back with custom rides, live DJ's and all kinds of crazy cool merchandise. The Go Exhibit is new going to be very exciting to see! The way humans move around is the main focus of the exhibit and so it focuses on the latest technology that move us around besides cars. Honda's UNI-CUB will be there, along with Just Ride LA, Juicer Bikes, Sprira4You, the Toyota i-road and quite a few other movement innovators, as well. Check it out!
So, get your things, the fam and some friends and make a day of it. You will not want to miss this event! If you want to get there early, Friday the 18th and the 25th is the day to do it. The Show will be opening at 7am and will offer you complementary coffee so you can enjoy a cup of jo and an extra two hours of car time before everyone else gets there. The Show will even be open on Thanksgiving day from 9am to 6pm. So, no excuses not to make it out!! Tickets are ranging anywhere from $5 to $85 for a VIP tour!
You can get your tickets here! 
If you go, let us know! Connect with us on our Facebook page and show us the pics you take at the show!!